Tuesday, June 4, 2013

New Breast Pump

I know, I know! Jaime is 7 months already. I shouldn't be getting a new pump. But somehow his weight loss has got me thinking that maybe it's the way I express milk? Rach lent me her old pump (First Years single pump), and it has worked fine. The only thing I didn't like about it was that I takes so long to pump--- 15 minutes for the right and another 15 for the left. Because of this, I didn't like pumping. I'm a stay at home mom anyway so I always feed him directly.

Til his teeth grew. He started biting me. Biting me at home. Biting me in public. Sometimes I'd shout in public because he'd suddenly bite me while feeding. So embarrassing.

I also noticed that he only nursed for less than 10 minutes. Hence, my decreasing supply of breast milk. This bothered me more than the biting. The doctor told me not to offer too much solids because he could lose his taste for my milk. Argh. I should've listened. Now that Jaime isn't gaining any weight, I've been trying to increase my milk supply. I cut off his solids (except for 1 teaspoon of cerelac a day) and nurse him more often. I've also been pumping like crazy, and that is why I can't, just can't, rely on a single pump anymore.

In the past, I kept telling myself that I needed a double pump but never got around to buying one because of the cost. But now that my baby isn't gaining weight, I'm determined to do everything to get him back into shape. 3 caps of Natalac, 3 tables of Domperidone, Mother's Milk Tea, Fenugreek, and now this:
I'll be going to the Medela House later to inquire about their pumps. Let's see.

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